After signing up for a Sparkol account to use the 7 day free trial, the download of the software will happen automatically. If it’s already downloaded go to Step 2. If you need to download and install the software again start from Step 1.
Step 1. Go to your account, log in with your Sparkol account details and click 'Download Now' (A).
By default, most browsers will save the install file to your ‘Downloads’ folder.
Step 2. When download is complete, the installation should start by itself.
If it doesn't start by itself, go to your Downloads folder and double-click the VideoScribe .msi file and follow the instructions to complete the install.
Step 3. The VideoScribe setup wizard will then be displayed on the screen, follow the instructions and click on the next button (A) to proceed.
Step 4. You can then select where you would like VideoScribe to be installed, your ‘Programs’ folder will be selected by default, click next (A) to continue.
Step 5. If you are upgrading to a newer version of the VideoScribe software, you will see the screen below. Click the ‘Yes’ button (A) to confirm that you want to overwrite the current version installed on your computer, this will not affect the scribes projects saved on your machine.
Step 6 . You can then click on the Install button (A) to proceed.
Step 7. Once that’s complete VideoScribe will open for you automatically and you can log-in with the same username and password as you logged into the account section of the website earlier. A new page will open in your current web browser to confirm that it has been installed.
If you have any problems installing, please see Troubleshooting and Minimum system requirements for VideoScribe desktop.
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